Waitoriki Seedlings

Waitōriki seedlings is a time that 4 years olds can visit to make connections with their future class mates and teachers. Social relationships and friendships are developed as children mix and share the play based learning activities that are an integral part of the junior room program.  Parents can gain an insight to their children's future education.  Attending Waitōriki seedlings builds a sense of belonging that assists the transition into school education.

Waitōriki Seedlings runs from 9.10 - 10.00 every second Wednesday. For further information please contact the school. Ph 7567056   

Talking to your child's early childhood educators can help with the decision about which school will best meet the needs of your child and family.  Our school has links with all Inglewood ECE centres and Ruru House but will work with any ECE centre to ensure a smooth transition for your child.

School visits are organised between the parents and the teacher to suit each child's individual needs once a start date has been selected.  A minimum of 3 school visits is expected to ensure a positive transition for everyone.