Reporting to Parents

We have an open door environment and encourage informal communication before and after school.  Parents and Caregivers are encouraged to contact their child's teachers with any questions or concerns. 

In Terms 1 & 3 whanau hui are held.  In term 1 All Parents/Caregivers are encouraged to book a 15 minute time slot per child to speak with the teacher about their child and set goals around the key competencies, PURIRI values or the Enviroschools/Te Whariki guiding principles  and Te Mataiaho/ NZ curriculum. These discussions can be most beneficial when parents/caregivers come prepared with some positives about their child to share with the teacher and some questions to develop their own understanding about the school environment and their child's social progress. 

In term 3 Whanau hui are an opportunity for the child to share work they are proud of and center around each child discussing their work with their parents. 

Real time reporting is available any time, any where and on any device through the Hero App. these include celebrations of learning, learning stories written by staff or students and a cumulative graph showing mid year and end of year assessment points in the core curriculum areas.