Lamb and Calf Day

Indoor Exhibits


Pre-school, Junior - Y1/2, Middle - Y3/4, Senior - Y5/6/7/8

Indoor exhibits are put together at school on the Thursday morning between 9:00am and 10:30am

Sand Saucers

All Saucers, sand and guidance are provided by the school. All children will need to supply the flowers they would like to use.

Miniature Scenes 

Children will need to bring everything they need to create their miniature scene on the day.

These must be put together by the students at school.

It is helpful if students have practised making their displays at home so they know exactly what they are doing on the day.  If you are not sure, there are many ideas online or talk to your child’s teacher before the school holidays.

FULL participation is expected

Decorated Biscuit 

These are made and decorated at school in the week leading up to Lamb and Calf Day There must be 3 biscuits on the plate each decorated with a theme. Children are expected to complete the decorating on their own and will be asked to bring the items they want to decorate their biscuit with. Icing is provided.                                                                                                                                             

All creations need to be left until after prizegiving but must be taken home by the end of the day.

Animal Sections

Junior Lambs -  Y1-Y4 

Senior Lambs - Y5-Y8  

Open Section (not judged)- 4 yr olds and children  

                without an animal who would like a try leading.

Junior Calves - Y1-4  

Senior Calves - Y5-8  

Junior Small Pets

Senior Small Pets

Junior Large Pets

Senior Large Pets

Dress up like your animal - children have 5 minutes to dress themselves and their animal up.  They then do a grand parade around the ring.

While the emphasis is on participation and enjoyment, the judge will be looking for how well the animals lead, looking for the connection between the child and their animal and asking the child about their animal and it’s care.

Information on caring for your animal and preparing for lamb and calf day can be found on the school website.

Dad’s Cake Auction

Dad’s, Step-dad’s, Grandad’s, Uncles, family friends, show off your cake baking and decorating skills. Bring your decorated cake to the hall on the morning of Lamb and Calf Day. Cakes will be displayed and then auctioned off after the prize giving. 

The auction is lots of fun - give it a go.

Lunch and prize giving

Lunch available for purchase

The students will be selling their Waitoriki Wares including:

There will also be raffles to choose from.