
Our school is supported in many ways by our families and the greater community.

We have a regular community volunteer who comes in once a week to work with the senior maths group helping them to learn the times tables.

On Wednesdays the whole school is involved in Kapa Haka. We learn a variety of waiata including waiata poi, waiata ringaringa, and haka.

There are many ways whanau can be involved in the school. While parents are always welcome in the classrooms we regularly ask for specific items or skills through the school newsletter. There is a working bee on the last Saturday of each holiday, from 10-12 and occasionally the children will plan one as part of their Waitoriki Whenua program. Holiday working bees are often followed by a BBQ lunch so they become a great way to get to know other families in the district. The children's working bees are a great way for parents to spend time working alongside the children and staff, and learn in greater detail what is involved in Waitoriki Whenua.

We have active links with Taranaki Seedsavers and are the guardians of the purple shelling pea which children grow and sell each year while adding to the seed stock and keeping it viable. Our students also participate in the local crop swap at Waitoriki Hall when we have excess produce to share. We also support the Waitoriki hall in numerous ways including the Christmas market and writing letters to accompany their recent successful funding application for a new kitchen.

Parents and grandparents are encouraged to attend our fortnightly assemblies. Assemblies regularly require audience participation in one way or another to keep them interesting for our whanau.

We rely on parents as our main form of transport to any EOTC activities including inter-school events and school camps. Those parents staying overnight on camp are required to complete the police vetting process through the school office.