
Waitōriki School is a sunsmart accredited school. 

Sunscreen is provided for everyone to use and students are reminded to help each other apply sunscreen before morning tea and lunch breaks. We recommend parents apply sunscreen to their children before school.  During terms 1 and 4 in particular children are encouraged to play under the shade under the many mature trees in our school grounds or in the covered sandpit. 

Throughout the swimming season swimmers are required to wear a rash shirt or t-shirt while in the pool.

Students are encouraged to wear clothing that covers their shoulders, please no shoestring tops. Some students choose to wear sunglasses while outside.

All Students and staff are provided with their own school hat to use.  These are required to be worn during Term 4 and Term 1.  Children may be required to wear their hats during Term 2 if the weather has remained fine for an extended season to prevent sunburn and protect them from skin cancer.

School hats are purchased as part of your childs stationery pack upon starting school.