Waitoriki School is one of 13 local educations setting who form Te Kāhui Ako o Kōhanga Moa. This striving group of collaborators include 5 ECE settings, 7 primary schools and Inglewood High school.

At Waitoriki we a proud to be part of the Kāhui Ako and see many benefits of being part of the group.


E kore e taea e te whenu kotahi te whāriki te raranga

Heoi anō mā te mahi o ngā whenu, mā te mahi tahi o ngā kairaranga

Ka oti tēnei whāriki

The tapestry of understanding cannot be woven by one strand alone.

Only by the working together of weavers,

will such a tapestry be completed.

Our Values

Integrate - whakakotahitia Innovate - auahatia

Include - tāpeke Inspire - whakaohoohotia

Our Goal

The aspirational goal for our kāhui ako is to grow young people who, through being educated in our community and to use the words of NZ poet Allen Curnow: “learn the trick of standing upright here.”

Our way of operating, first and foremost, collaborative and strengthened by our professional respect for one another and underpinned by our united and passionate commitment to the young people entrusted to us.

Link to the Kāhui Ako website here

Link to the Kāhui Ako Facebook page here.
